I joined my first Craftster swap, which was a One Tiny Things Hunger Games Swap. I was so ecstatic to learn that I was partnered up with someone who is stationed in Alaska--where I was born and raised! In fact, ask anyone--one an Alaskan, always an Alaskan....anyway, as soon as I read her questionaire, I knew what I had to make!
The question was: Is there anything that you'd risk the cornucopia for? And her answer was, weapons or something to carry water.
Now, a one tiny thing swap means you make something tiny. So, I was originally going to make a coffee cozy or something, but I came across this tutorial :
And knew, I'd have to try to make this water bottle carrier.
One of her favorite quotes from the book were "If we burn, you burn with us." So, I knew I'd use that. I was so pleased I already had most of my materials from those Hunger Games pillowcases I've made and blogged about earlier.

Firstly, I cut out my shapes for my fire, and circles for my bottom. I used heat and bond on the backs of my fire pieces.

I adhered it to my brown piece, and cut a strip for the top. The strip on the top I had decided to embroider with her quote, "If we burn, you burn with us."


I hand sewed through the flames to keep it attached to the brown. Sewing through 3 layers of heat and bond is not easy!
Between the layers of brown is insulate, as well as the orange circles for the bottom.
I tried several times to get the inside invisible seam right, but each time I did succeed, I managed to not have my carrier wide enough to hold a 591mL bottle like it's supposed to. So, I had to pull out seams a few times. I even had to add in some fabric to get it right. I had a heck of a time getting the bottom circle right. So, I used the orange for my handles to go around the bottom of my carrier. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good.
Another look at the carrier:

I'm pleased with it. I really hope she likes it. She should be receiving it today, so I'll find out. I made her some earrings, too. I'll create a blog post in just a minute about those.
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