Monday, October 22, 2012

Savannah's First Embroidery

I've been working on an embroidery project at home, and I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce hand embroidery to my six year old daughter.   So, I got out my 3" hoop, drew a heart, and got her some heavy floss, and showed her the ropes of how to do the back stitch. She immediately caught on, wanted to make another heart.  Then, today (the next day), I drew her a stick figure girl, and a pumpkin on another scrap fabric. Then, we pulled out a fabric with a design, and I traced a daisy and the words, I'm a Girl Scout Daisy. She did about 3 petals, and her hands got tired, but I'm sure she'll pick it back up soon. She's an embroidery fanatic now! It's fun to sit and do needlework with her!  I think I'm going to commission her to help me make Christmas presents! LOL

Anyway, here's a pic of her first two embroidery...prepare to be amazed!

Embroidery like a boss!

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